Thursday, February 7, 2008

Day 87: The Epiphany

I was out eating breakfast today, thinking about how awesome, unique, individual and soon-to-be trendy my idea of doing this blog was, when my thoughts were interrupted by the conversation from the table next to me. Apparently, they had visited a Greek Restaurant recently and have vowed never to go back. It was creepy, and the staff was weird, or so it goes. One girl was going on and on about how the waiter, an older man (Imagine that!) kept talking to them, sitting down at their table with them, urging wine, etc. As she kept going on about a obviously very traditional Greek Restaurant and how the behavior was just too weird, I was sitting there thinking, what a stupid bitch. Does she not know the culture of the type of restaurant she went to? Is she really going into their restaurant and spitting on their culture like that? What did she expect? That it would be like dining at Chili's, except with gyros?

I couldn't believe what I was hearing from this idiot. I just wanted to call her out for the moron that she was....and then I thought, 'well, why don't I?' I am going to be dead in a few months - I have nothing to lose. In fact, I should just live out the rest of these days doing, acting and feeling exactly how I want. It was around this point that the girl, in reference to her Greek dining experience, says, "who does that?"

"GREEKS?!?!" I yelled out at her. She suddenly turned to me with this look of half who the fuck do you think you are and half scared astonishment, but said nothing. So I went on.

"What did you expect? That's how that culture is. They're very familiar and family-oriented. That's who does that. Greeks. How about, instead of shitting all over their culture, you just say that it wasn't for you and leave it at that?"

Well, let me tell you one thing. People do not expect to be put in their place on a typical day. She just sat there, kinda stuttering, 'well, uh, i, uh,' as she started blushing profusely. Her friends had on equally startling faces and grimaces at this point, and then one of them started in, 'well I just tried out this new Thai restaurant down the street that's so good, guys,' and with that, the girls kinda turned back to their own table and conversation, and proceeded with caution.

I loved it. It made me feel alive. It made me realize that this, this openness and freedom, this was how I want to go out.



Mark Shields said...

I was at a fancy shmancy eatin' place that was off-system a few months back. The waiter kept trying to push the rat juice but I wouldn't have nothing to do with it. The goat's milk beer, however, was mighty tasty.

Boston George said...

i want a fucking gyro right now...
so bad yet soo good...