Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Day 89: Banner Day, Guys!

Well, so today's the big day. Ha, I guess not the "big" day, so to speak, that one is still almost 3 months away. Today is the day I start my countdown. And why not today? It's Super Tuesday - AND Fat Tuesday. I guess you could say it's Super Fat Tuesday. So ya, what was the question again?


Really, though, there is no other significance to starting the countdown on February 5th. Truly. Honestly.

Okay, so maybe there is. Rumor has it that some chick is trying to pull off the same thing, and she started her quest today, too. Well, I am here to say that's malarkey! True malarkey! Nobody steals my idea and runs with it like that!

Well, fine - this wasn't my idea. Not at all. But, you see, this woman that came up with the idea is doing such a piss-poor job with something that could really be great, so I've decided to steal it from her. And it's not so much stealing it - well, yes. It's totally stealing the idea. And one-upping her. I only have 89, whereas she has 90. After my day 89, her day 90 will be old news. That's what happens when you take an idea and half-ass it.

Who knows, maybe this will actually inspire the girl to kick it into gear.

I hope so.

So, there you have it. That's why, and that's that.

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