Sunday, February 10, 2008

Day 84: Eat Mor Chikin, Just Not Today

All I wanted today was a nice chicken sandwich combo meal from Chick Fil A. But when I went out to the nearest Chick Fil A, I saw that it was closed. And you know why? Because of this "God" person that they celebrate. Well, if I knew this "God" person, I really doubt he would be happy with the fact that this restaurant is ruthlessly and mercilessly withholding scrumptious chicken sandwiches from its loyal customers one day each week. In fact, I bet he'd be pissed. He'd probably smite them, if that were the kind of thing he did. I know I would.

But back to the story - no Chick Fil A. Not today, at least.

I was devastated. I couldn't believe it. It really made me want to just go ahead and kill myself, right then and there.

Ha, just kidding! It would take a lot more than that for me to do something like that! I mean - you know, a lot more than why I'm doing it in a few months instead of just getting it over with now. Which, I guess would be for nothing, and no reason, respectively.

Whoo. That just hurt my head a little. I think I've got to go lie down for a while.


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